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  • December 17, 2023
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How to Know Your Self-Worth in the Workplace

A High-performance result is expected from an employee who knows his self-worth in the workplace. Such an employee is happy and feels better about what he or she does. There is a positive energy in such a person, and positivity is an attractive energy that can be contracted by those working in a space where self-worth is the cornerstone of the company’s culture. Self-worth is the key to success. Where self-worth is valued, employees are purpose-driven and will strive to improve performance. But it is not in all cases that we have such an enabling environment that promotes self-worth. Thus, it becomes imperative that we talk about how to know your self-worth in the workplace. 

What is self-worth?

It is proper to lay a foundation by defining what self-worth is. According to an article titled “Self-worth in the Workplace” Published by the Indeed Editorial Team in December 2022, Self-worth is defined as when you evaluate and have a clear perception of the value you hold as an individual. They stated that self-worth determines your social interaction with the people around you in the light they see and treat you. They also emphasized our assertion that self-worth affects your mental and physical health. 

Self-worth in the workplace is not restricted to the expertise and skills you have to offer the world but goes further than that. It examines your past achievements and reinforces a belief that you can always overcome any challenge that may arise in any workplace situation.  

Know your self worth

How to Know Your Self-worth in the Workplace 

  • Create Integrity in workplace relationships 

While self-worth is largely intrinsic, you should build relationships with members of your team or staff under the same employment as you. A level of trust and self-confidence created to diffuse any unwarranted bad energy in the workplace is apposite. This will help other people at your workplace see you in a positive light than those who do not build any relationships at work. When stress factors come, they cannot cope and will easily give in to tensions at the workplace that may disrupt or destroy their self-worth. 

  • Register and attend the Professional Development course to Upskill 

How do you know your self-worth when you have refused to upskill before you apply for an increased pay point or promotion? You could have spent a lot of years in the role, but if you are not offering the organization something new or value different from what you have previously offered, there are no possible means of getting what you want. Thus, it is advisable to enroll in Professional Development Courses. After you have acquired a new skill, you can proceed to know your self-worth in your workplace by applying for the promotion you think you deserve and whether the organization values its top resource personnel. 

  • Have confidence in yourself.

When you have confidence in yourself, you can trust your judgment and performance in the workplace. Surmitis says, “When we appraise our worth highly amongst our peers and employers, we are more likely to take on opportunities to grow, which often leads to advancement, promotion, and higher levels of work satisfaction.” He concluded that high self-worth demonstrates your readiness for more responsibility and a level of autonomy in the workplace. 

  • Become aware of your abilities and Personal Qualities.

You must be aware of how many abilities you have and the qualities you possess. When portrayed at your workplace, they are said to help people become readily accepting of the kind of person you are.  

  • Ask for Feedback 

If you want to know your self-worth in the workplace, you must continually ask for feedback from your superiors, supervisors, or even people at the same level as you are in the organization. It will help you determine a lot about yourself. If you have to keep up the good work or get better in areas you were found wanting. Top MBA said asking for feedback from experts, managers, and superiors at work should be your Personal Development Tool. However, you must learn to accommodate feedback no matter how it comes, putting it at the back of your mind that some people can be quite blunt while others will only want to massage your ego. 

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