People Connect

  • February 13, 2021
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Top Five Powerful Tips for Public Speaking

For many people, speaking in public seems to come naturally. They just get up on stage, and the words flow without hesitation. But, for many others, getting in front of an audience to deliver a speech or presentation is easier said than done. Contrary to popular belief, public speaking isn’t something that comes naturally. Nobody’s born with the ability to speak in front of large crowds and capture their attention. Some of the best public speakers have honed their craft by learning and preparing… and then preparing some more. Because, like with any other profession or skill that you want to be good at, practice makes perfect.

Many organizations hire motivational speakers to boost the morale of their workforce. The growing popularity of public speaking can be gauged by the many opportunities that await you on online public speaking and event platforms, such as People Connect. Also, becoming a public speaker comes along with its share of perks and the opportunity to travel, visit new places, and meet new people. This makes public speaking a great career choice for many professionals. If you are looking to break into the industry, but are hesitant about your public speaking prowess, then here are a few tips that should help you hit the ground running.

You Can Never be Too Prepared

As someone who is going to be standing in front of a large audience and delivering a speech or a presentation, you can never be too prepared. In fact, there’s no such thing as being over-prepared in the public speaking profession. So, take your time to put your speech together, making sure that it flows seamlessly and logically. Use personal stories or anecdotes that will give your speech a personal touch and will help pique the audience’s attention. You can also use props or images to make your speech more vibrant. If you lack inspiration, there’s no need to worry. Just watch other great speakers and try to mimic the nuances while they deliver their speech. Practice your speech out loud until you can deliver it effortlessly and fluidly.

Know Your Audience

So, you landed a public speaking gig on People Connect. Congratulations. But, there’s usually a reason why an organization or event organizer would hire a public speaker to speak at their event. For the speaker, it is important to know why you have been hired to speak at an event, and more importantly, who your audience is going to be.

If it is going to be a corporate event, then you will be tasked with teaching. If it’s a motivational workshop, you will be expected to inspire the audience as you deliver your speech or presentation. Knowing the demographic of your audience is crucial since you will need to make a connection with your audience right away. And that’s not going to be possible if you do not have a clue who your audience is at the event or workshop.

Focus on Your Strengths

As a public speaker, you will need to accentuate the positive. This means not focusing on your weaknesses, but rather, your strengths as a public speaker. For this, you will need to first be honest with yourself when it comes to your strengths and weaknesses as a public speaker. You do not have to change who you are or your personality, but rather, use it to your advantage while you’re on stage.

For instance, some public speakers have a great sense of humor. If you’re one of them, then punctuating your speech or presentation with a bit of humor will lighten the mood during your speech. It will also help to keep your audience engaged. On the other hand, some public speakers are great storytellers. If you are good at telling stories, then you will find it easier to break down complex ideas and concepts into stories that are simple and easy to understand.

Get Comfortable with the Venue

If possible, try to get comfortable with the environment that you will be speaking in. If you are invited to speak at an event in another city, arrive there a day before and visit the venue before the event takes place. This will help you to feel more comfortable once you are up on stage, delivering your speech or presentation. Walking around the venue where you will be delivering your speech will give you an idea of what to expect when the big day arrives.

Begin with a Smile

Studies have shown that the simple act of smiling, even if it’s not genuine, can help break the ice and put others at ease. For a public speaker, it’s all about making a connection with your audience while you speak. More often than not, public speakers get too caught up in their speech and talking points that they forget to smile, which can make you come across as distant and aloof. Besides, smiling at your audience will result in your audience smiling back at you, which will make you feel calm and relaxed as well. So, smiling during public speaking is a win-win for everyone.

Ending Note

So, there you have it. These were some of the tips for first-time public speakers. While there are many tips and tricks that you can use to impress your audience and your employer during your first public speaking gig, these should be enough to help you get started. Remember, landing a public speaking job on platforms such as People Connect is only going to be half the challenge. It is going to be up to you to impress your audience and the organization so that you can build rapport and get repeat clients.

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