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10 Virtual Event Ideas
  • January 03, 2024
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10 Virtual Event Ideas your Audience will love

Are you planning to host an online event soon, and ideas are not coming your way? Well, you are not alone. Sometimes Virtual Event Ideas do not come very easily, even to some of the top event organizers. But we will provide the ten (10) virtual event ideas your audience will love in this piece. 

Four (4) years ago, it would have been hard to come to terms with someone predicting a world will emerge where we will all have to resign to hosting, organizing, and attending virtual events. But that is the new reality. Hence, the embrace by businesses and organizations alike. For you, a virtual event organizer, it demands more because you must wear your thinking cap and be creative at every moment to come up with entertaining virtual event ideas for prospective attendees, if you want them to attend or continue booking tickets to your event. 

Statistics revealed by Forrester show 61% of Event Organizers’ major challenge is making virtual events interactive

Here is the curated list of 10 virtual event ideas for corporate events.  

10 Virtual Event Ideas 

     1. Learn a Skill together

Learning a skill alone can be very boring to certain people because it does not involve people who can motivate them to skill up fast. That is where hosting a “learn a skill together” can help your team and should be at the top of your virtual event ideas. Teambuilding expressed their sentiments for this idea when they stated that skilling up together creates a support system and erodes the misconceptions that you are made of mistakes. Your team members are your cheerleaders, always helping you navigate complex tasks, and if they are skilling up with you, your subconscious informs you of the importance of the skill if your team members are all willing to join in the event. 

The useful resources for this virtual event idea are Udemy, Edx, or by sourcing your syllabus from YouTube. 

      2. Virtual Karaoke

Virtual Karaoke

There is so much to laugh about when you organize virtual karaoke corporate events for an organization. Imagine when different employees who only know what job description another team member performs but are oblivious of the hidden talents. Create laughter sessions for your team while they get to know how other team members will do if they had to imitate and perform a karaoke, but virtually from the comfort of their homes. To make it more fun and motivate team members to bring an Oscar-winning performance forward, you can set aside prize money and award for best performance.

Watch2Gether is the go-to platform to create a room and add karaoke video that your team members can stream and rehearse for their virtual karaoke performance.   

To make it extremely fun, restrict team members’ selection to karaoke playlists from the 70s and 80s. 

     3. Virtual Team Movie Night

Think about a virtual event idea where team members will select a movie and watch it together. Though they may not be physically present, everyone logs in to the stream. Vfair suggests that the way to make this virtual event idea fun is to create a group, say on WhatsApp, or open the chat box on any of the platforms you choose to host the event, where people can comment as they watch the movie. 

     4. Virtual Pet Events

We have seen many Zoom meetings and Virtual Events interrupted by pets who would want to play with their owners or feature in the event. Why not organize a pet show for your team? That is a fun virtual event idea. To make it a success, Slides opined that you ask team members to prepare a slideshow of pictures of their pets and interesting information or moments they would love other team members to know about their pets. 

In addition, you can curate a list of questions you will ask team members to respond to when they make presentations about their pets. 

    5. Virtual Fitness Classes

Though not often discussed, a number of your team members might want to join a gym or fitness center to keep in shape. However, time does not permit, especially because they must work extra hours on projects that have tight deadlines. You can help them stay fit by organizing a virtual event on fitness. You can hire a Fitness coach to come on board to help team members stay fit by advising routine fitness exercises. 

     6. Virtual Comedy Shows

Virtual Comedy Shows

Another fun idea is organizing a virtual event where you invite a Comedian to crack jokes that make your team members or attendees laugh. This virtual event idea is a goldmine for an event organizer because we live in a world where everyone seems to be living a serious life where it becomes hard to share a smile or laugh. Make it your routine to organize Virtual Comedy shows for people to relax and laugh out loud. 

     7. Virtual Art Exhibition Shows 

Life and the environment are artworks. Statistics show that 91% of Americans love art. However, not many are willing to spend beyond $500 to purchase a piece of artwork they admire. You can host a virtual exhibition show where you invite artists to create and paint artworks virtually while describing information or illustrations. And have attendees bid for the works, though, at a discounted rate, with order fulfillment by the artist after the event. This virtual event idea will require engaging the artist beforehand so the prices of works he creates at the event are not too expensive for your attendees. 

An offshoot of the above is organizing a virtual graphic challenge among your team members, where you ask them to entertain the team by creating beautiful designs of images, banners, flyers, and Videos for social media, which may be useful for the company’s next marketing campaigns or advertising.  

     8. Puzzle Games or Brainteaser

Challenge team members by organizing virtual Puzzle games or brain teasers, and offer a reward for whoever provides the correct answer to a brainteaser or solves a puzzle. Check out GoodHousekeeping for brain teasers you can play around with.  

     9. Virtual Networking Event for Industry Players

You can help those just starting out in your industry by organizing a virtual event that brings top professionals in your industry into one virtual meeting where they can help motivate and connect with mentees. Take for example, an event planner with a stockpile of professional speakers creating virtual event ideas connecting top professional speakers to rookies or to organizations looking to hire professional speakers for their events. Meetings advocate Speed Networking too. This virtual event idea allows attendees to meet for a short period of time during your event to make connections.  

     10. Virtual Team bonding

Virtual Team Bonding

Corporate organizations can take team bonding activities virtually by organizing remote team bonding events different from the physical ones. At this event, you pair 2 team members together to find out about each other, and you develop a game where you ask each of them what they learned about the other person. Such a question might be “The Favorite Food?” of the other team member, what the other person does to wind down, and more.

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