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  • June 25, 2024
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How to write a speech outline


Whether you work in a corporate organization or are a professional speaker looking for ways to present a workshop effectively, writing a speech outline is a necessity. You can better structure your content, arrange your ideas logically, and organize your thoughts with its assistance. 

An outline can help in planning and delivering an effective speech when trying to present information, whether to inform or persuade. A speech outline will boost your self-assurance and assist you in staying on topic, so you sound knowledgeable and in control without straying from the main themes or losing the audience’s attention.

Due to the necessity for good communication skills, the Hamilton Oral Communication Centre was established with the specific intention of assisting students in learning how to ethically and successfully convey their thoughts in a way appropriate to the situation and with care for varied listeners.

A good speech outline has many benefits, and the benefits will be highlighted before emphasis is laid on how to write a speech outline for your presentation.

Benefits of writing a speech outline image


Benefits of a Well-Structured Speech Outline

A speech outline has the following benefits.

      1. Structure: 

Outlines assist the speaker in organizing their thoughts, so they are delivered in a logical sequence. In order to ensure the speech’s organization and coherence, speakers might also visualize the connections between their thoughts.

      2. Content: 

By writing an outline beforehand, presenters will be sure they have enough information and that it is pertinent, well-developed, and clearly stated.

      3. Focus: 

By selecting and outlining the information to be included in the speech, speakers will be sure they stay on topic by eliminating any extraneous information. You do not want to be off point when presenting to a group of professionals who are attending your conference or webinars clearly for a purpose. They created time after showing interest in attending your event. Ensure you are always on topic except you have to share a story and draw an analogy.

      4. Message organization:

Putting your speech together in an orderly manner through the outline ensures that your message is communicated concisely and rationally. Due to this, it is easy for the audience to comprehend and remember what you’re saying. If you struggle to come up with ideas for your presentations, our resource on topic ideas for speech is very useful in that regard.

What determines the length of your speech outline

Your speech’s length will determine how long your outline is. Do you have a brief presentation of five minutes or a lengthier presentation of thirty minutes? The length of your final speech will correspond to the length of your outline.

Secondly, how much material you actually want to put in the outline is another element that will affect its length. Some presenters may find that listing their essential ideas in bullet points is sufficient. In other situations, one might feel more at ease using a full-sentence outline that provides a more in-depth look at one’s speech topic. 


Thirdly, you may have data to show your audience. In light of this, always remember the essential tips to presenting data so as to ensure that your audience is always engaged, and avoid boring speeches and presentations.

Last but not least, also keep in mind that the length of your outline will also depend on the kind of outline you’re utilizing right now. You should have different templates for different speech presentations.

Top steps on how to write a catchy speech outline

  • Know Your Audience and Your Goal:

Before you begin your outline, think about who your audience is and what your speech’s main goal is. Are you attempting to educate, persuade, amuse, or inspire? Make your tone and substance appropriate.

  • Select a Topic That is clear and specific:

Choose a subject that is pertinent to your listeners and supports the goal of your speech. Make sure your topic is not too broad or too specific.

  • Establish the speech’s organization:

A formal speech has three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Create three primary sections for your speech. Consider the guidelines below:


Start with a strong attention-getter, such as a quotation, anecdote, provocative question, unexpected fact, or subject introduction. Give a brief overview of the topic of your speech. Describe the fundamental concept or notion. Declare your speech’s main point or thesis in plain language. When determining your introduction, keep in mind that the introduction and conclusion should be 10 to 15 seconds of the total speech time.


Create two or more primary points for the body of your speech. An individual section of your outline should be dedicated to each point.

Regarding each main idea:

  • Start off by introducing the point with a succinct topic sentence.
  • Give instances, statistics, facts, and other data that serve as proof to support your claims. 
  • Create a seamless flow between points and ideas by using transitional phrases.

Read more: Importance of Statistics in Business.


Describe the key points here in brief: Restate in concise form the main ideas you covered in your speech’s body.

In order to strengthen your major point, restate your thesis in a slightly different way.

End with a remarkable concluding sentence that leaves your listeners with a positive impression. This could be a suggestion for action, a challenging query, or a potent quotation. 

  • Include Transitions: 

To easily lead your audience through your speech, use transitional words and phrases into each section of your plan. Transitions support the logical progression of your ideas. To ensure you include the appropriate transitional words and phrases, you can reference 

  • Balanced Information:

Make sure that each area of your outline has a balanced amount of content. Do not focus excessively on one issue at the expense of others.

  • Take into consideration visual aids: 

Specify in your outline when and how you will utilize any visual aids, such as slides or props, in your speech to support your ideas. Remember, the human brain responds more accurately to visual aids than plain text. They will easily recall information presented in pictorial representation than those that are not accompanied by visual aids.


  • Practice and Edit:

After you have written your speech outline, try practicing it aloud. This will enable you to spot any sections that require work, such as weak supporting details or unclear transitions. Adjust your outline as necessary.

  • Complete Your Outline:

Finalize your speech outline after some practice and modifications. Ensure that it properly communicates your message and is clear and precise.

Keep in mind that an outline is a tool to help you, not a script you have to adhere to verbatim. Utilize it as the framework for your speech, leaving room for spontaneity and engaging with the audience.

You will be successful in your way to writing an organized and compelling speech outline if you follow these instructions.


Regardless of the kind of presentation you are making, a certain number of components will almost always be present. The speech should specifically include a concise opening, easily understandable major points, and a conclusion. You can use this format to improve your presentation because it highlights the typical elements of a speech. 

In summary, developing a speech outline helps to create a well-structured narrative and keeps your information tailored throughout delivery. For effective public speaking in the realm of communications, it ensures that vital points are brought to light and not forgotten by creating flow, clarity, and organization of ideas.

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